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Abstract Submission


The Medicine 2044 Congress encourages abstract submission for ePoster Presentations.

Abstracts for the Congress:

Participants who wish to give an ePoster presentation at the Congress are requested to submit an abstract for review by the Committee. Papers will be evaluated by a Committee of experts and selected for ePoster Presentations.



The Abstract Submission Topics are required to be under inventions, innovations or new developments in Medicine and/or Science that can contribute to mankind.


Conditions for Abstract Submission:

  • Abstracts must be submitted before the deadline in order to be sent for review
  • Submission of an abstract acknowledges your acceptance for the abstract to be published in all official congress publications.
  • Abstracts must be written in English.

Additional Information:

While submitting your abstract, you will be required to add information such as the following:

  • Contact details of the presenting author(s).
  • Title and body of the abstract.
  • Full name(s) of the author(s).
  • Details of affiliations of the author(s): institution, city, country.

About Abstract Submission:

Please note: Abstracts cannot exceed 250 words and cannot include tables and graphs.

Be sure to make all changes, corrections and proofreading before submitting.

Important: Prior to submission, please use ‘spell check’ within your abstract WORD document in order to avoid spelling errors.


Please note: You will be able to update and/or make changes to your submitted abstract using your email address and password which will be provided upon completing your submission, until only the submission deadline date.

If you have any questions, please contact the secretariat at futurehealth@Comtecint.com, mentioning your name, serial number and abstract title.

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