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Prof. Angel Lanas

Prof. Angel Lanas medicine 2044

Angel Lanas MD; DSc; AGAF; FACG 

Angel Lanas is Professor of Medicine at the University of Zaragoza, Vice-Dean for research Affairs at the Medical School of Medicine University of Zaragoza, Head of the Digestive Diseases Service at the University Hospital “Lozano Blesa” of Zaragoza, and Scientific Director of the Aragón Health Research Institute (IIS Aragón). Dr. Lanas was visiting professor in the Department of Gastroenterology at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, Alabama, USA.


He is leading a multidisciplinary research team made up of both clinical and basic researchers, which is national and internationally recognized. In his scientific work highlights the collaboration with other national and international Institutes or universities of Europe, America and Asia. More recently, Dr. Lanas has been appointed Honorary Professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and collaborates with Prof Francis JL Chan. Public (National and Euroepan) . He served as visiting professor to many American, European and Asiatic universities and meetings. Prof. Angel Lanas has been the most quoted teacher of the University of Zaragoza and remains amongst the 5 most cited professors. Dr Lanas has been scientific director of the Aragón Health Research Institute Aragón since 2011.


Under his direction the Institute obtained the  accreditation of Excellence by the National Institute Carlos III and continues its growth both scientifically and economically. He has also been involved in the organizations of meetings, president of the Spanish Association of Gastroenterology and of the Foundation of the same association. Finally, he has received many awards for his contribution to science, being the most recent the “Trayectoria AEG” acknowledged by his peers at the Asociación Española de Gastroenterología.

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